Statement from Tejon Ranch Co. Regarding Lawsuit Filed against Los Angeles County over Approval of Specific Plan for Centennial at Tejon Ranch Master Planned Community
Centennial is part of the overall
Centennial will be built in one of those lower-resource-value areas and
the site is already zoned for residential and commercial development as
part of the Antelope Valley Plan approved by the
Notably, CBD sued
To stand in the way of an approved development that will bring thousands
of much-needed price-attainable homes to
CBD’s intransigence is not surprising. It participated in the negotiations that led to the historic Tejon Ranch Conservation & Land Use Agreement that permanently conserves 90% of Tejon Ranch—240,000 acres, only to, after participating in the negotiations for more than a year, walk away from the table just before the agreement was reached.
It's worth noting that all the participants in the negotiations
indicated in advance that the outcome of negotiations would result in
some real estate development on
It's clear that this latest lawsuit by CBD is simply another blatant
attempt to delay development of Centennial, which has already been
subject to four environmental impact reports: two as part of its
inclusion in the
For CBD to raise the issue of wildfires, as it did during the Centennial hearings and in their complaint, exposes CBD’s hypocrisy. CBD opposed Governor Newsom’s emergency declaration streamlining 35 wildfire mitigation projects that would help protect 2.2 million Californians in over 200 communities from future wildfires, claiming it would undercut environmental protections. CBD said the best measure to protect homes against wildfire isn’t thin forests and remove dead and dying brush from nearby at-risk communities, but to retrofit houses to current building standards and create defensible space around them.
But the prescription that CBD claims is the best defense against wildfire is exactly the plan called for in Centennial. Though, at Centennial, instead of needing to retrofit homes, houses and other buildings will be constructed from the very beginning based on the most stringent fire codes and building standards in place at the time. These plans have been reviewed and approved by all appropriate State and County Fire authorities. The defensible space standards at Centennial also far exceed state requirements.
The tactics employed by the extremists at CBD to litigate, delay and
obstruct, are a significant contributing factor to the housing crisis in
For the reasons stated above, and more, we believe the lawsuit is
completely without merit, and as we have with the seven prior legal
actions CBD has filed in an attempt to prevent us from doing our part to
help Governor Newsom achieve his goal of the building the housing needed
to solve California’s housing crisis, we will work with
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Barry Zoeller, Sr. VP, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations